Our inpatient program provides a secure, therapeutic environment for adults who are experiencing psychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar, and schizophrenia. Individualized treatment plans formulated by the multidisciplinary team serve as the foundation for intervention, stabilization, and recovery. Family involvement in treatment and aftercare planning is encouraged.
The focus of the inpatient psychiatric program is to resolve the crisis that resulted in hospitalization and to create a stable foundation that the patient can continue to develop long after discharge. Our diagnostic and treatment components include:
The treatment team consists of the patient, family members, the physician, the therapist/social worker, nurses, and mental health professionals. Anyone on the treatment team can address questions regarding a patient’s individualized treatment plan. The primary group therapist serves as the patient’s case manager. The therapist coordinates the individual treatment plan with the assigned physician to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. The therapist also coordinates therapy sessions, family therapy, and discharge appointments.
Our inpatient dual diagnosis program provides a secure, therapeutic environment for adults who are experiencing complex symptoms of substance abuse and mental illness. Individualized treatment plans formulated by the multidisciplinary team serve as the foundation for intervention, stabilization, and recovery.
The focus of the inpatient dual diagnosis program is to transition individuals from crisis to recovery. This advanced treatment program helps individuals to plan for long term success through intense exploration and development of personal life skills, coping skills, and self-regulation skills. The involvement of family is encouraged. Our diagnostic and treatment components include:
The treatment team consists of the patient, family members, the physician, the therapist, the case manager, the program manager, nurses, and mental health professionals. Anyone on the treatment team can address questions regarding a patient’s individualized treatment plan. The treatment team coordinates the individual treatment plan with the assigned physician to ensure individualized treatment based on the diagnosis and presenting symptoms.
While we cannot offer diagnosis, counseling or recommendations online, you can call to schedule a complimentary assessment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 972-298-7323. If you are currently experiencing an emergency, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.